University of Southern California (USC) Booth at SPE ATCE 2015

The USC Petroleum Engineering Department and Global Energy Network (GEN), USC, had set up a booth at the SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition (ATCE) 2015, held from September 27 to September 30 at Houston, Texas. The booth displayed information about the Global Energy Network 2020 (GEN 2020) initiative and the various consortiums within this program, namely, the Reservoir Monitoring Consortium (RMC), Induced Seismicity Consortium (ISC), Center for Geothermal Studies (CGS) and Reservoir Development and Monitoring Systems Center (RDMS). Also, information regarding the courses offered under the Petroleum Engineering Department at USC were provided to visitors. The booth attracted a large number of visitors. William Burkhouse, formerly with ExxonMobil and Fred Aminzadeh (both SG past presidents), in front of the USC SPE Booth (in pic).