Several colleagues of Prof. Ershaghi gather to celebrate his induction to the National Academy of Engineers. On February 6th, the National Academy of Engineering announced its 67 members, with our own Prof. Ershaghi as a new member of this elite group with 2,250 members. A formal reception was given by Dean Yannis Yortsis on February 18, with USC President Max Nikias attending the reception and honoring Prof. Ershaghi. The gathering tonight further highlighted the joy and pride that Prof. Ershaghi’s colleagues feel for the honor bestowed upon him. Prof. Ershaghi leads the USC Petroleum Engineering program and its Center For Integrated Smart Oil Field Technologies. He also serves on the Advisory Boards of USC Global Energy Network, Induced Seismicity Consortium, Center for Geothermal Studies and the Reservoir Monitoring Consortium.