I am pleased to announce the establishment of the USC Center for Reservoir Development and Monitoring Systems, RDMS. The new center will be a focal point for integrating multidisciplinary research activities spanning perspectives from engineering, science, economics, and public policy, all associated with the development and monitoring of oil and gas reservoirs. RDMS will implement a systems-based approach to ensure operational efficiency, environmental safety, and economic viability. RDMS will bring together the industry-supported consortia: Induced Seismicity Consortium (ISC) and Reservoir Monitoring Consortium (RMC) as well as the Center for Geothermal Studies (CGS) program led by Professor Aminzadeh. RDMS is expected to introduce new programs. One such new program is the California-Centric Field Study of Fluid Injection and Production Operations: A Pathway to Efficient and Safe Hydrocarbon Reservoir Exploitation. This program is being developed with participation of the LLNL, LBNL and NETL. The Viterbi School of Engineering looks forward to seeing RDMS become a dynamic multidisciplinary center. – Maja Mataric, Vice Dean for Research, Viterbi School of Engineering.